We are Augustinian!
St. Augustine said, “You made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts find no peace until they rest in You” (Confessions, I, 1, i).
St. Augustine believed that we are companions on a journey which leads to the discovery of self, an appreciation of friendship, and ultimately, a relationship with God. We do not have to seek God outside of ourselves; God is closer to us than we are to ourselves (City of God IX,7).
A dedicated and caring faculty and staff integrate the core Augustinian values of truth, unity and love into all dimensions of student life.
We are steeped in prayer!
A Mass is offered in the chapel prior to the beginning of class each morning. Our school community prays together every day during the all-school prayer. Each class period also begins with teacher- or student-led prayer, and our day ends in prayer. All-school liturgical celebrations occur at least once a month and include Masses, penance services and retreats.
Academically, students are required to take four years of Theology. It is also a graduation requirement that every student must participate in an annual, school-sponsored retreat. Seniors may opt for either a one-day Senior Retreat or the three-day Kairos Retreat.