8th Grade Algebra 1 Honors

We are excited to offer Algebra 1 Honors for 8th graders for the 24-25 school year.  This honors level math course will challenge your student while allowing him/her to earn high school credit!

Program Benefits

Taught by Providence Catholic Math Faculty, this high school level class will challenge advanced math students and allow them to earn high school math credit. Students will complete this class with an in-depth mastery of Algebra 1 and develop an understanding of Algebra 2 thus preparing them for sophomore level math classes at the start of their high school career.

If the student enrolls at PCHS for high school after 8th grade,

  • This course will count towards the PCHS graduation requirements and will be factored into the student’s high school GPA.
  • Student will seamlessly transition to Geometry or Geometry Honors freshmen year.
  • Student will be on track for 5 years of high school math including dual credit and AP math courses junior and senior year.

If student attends another high school after 8th grade, the transcript will be sent to that high school when we receive a signed release form.

Important Information

  • A proficiency exam is required to determine readiness for Algebra 1 Honors
  • The class runs Monday-Friday, in person, from 7:05 – 7:50 AM.
  • $600 class fee includes textbook and Math XL license.  Student is responsible to bring required calculator.
  • Transportation to the 8th grade school after class may be available at no additional cost.


Contact Mrs. Melissa Sallade (Administrative Assistant to Principal Mr. Houston) at 815.717.3186 or msallade@providencecatholic.org.

Proficiency Exam

To be accepted into the course, students are required to pass our proficiency exam. The proficiency exam will be given on two dates. Please select one and register for the proficiency exam no later than Wednesday, March 22.

  • Saturday March 23  |  10:00 AM
  • Monday, March 25   | 4:00 PM

Additional information for proficiency exam:

  • There is no cost to take the exam
  • Registration is required by March 20
  • The exam consists of 45 questions
  • Students have 1 hour to complete the exam
  • Calculators are NOT allowed
  • Students should bring two #2 pencils
  • Enter at Door #1 on the north side of the building, facing Route 30
  • There is no formal study guide.  Students should be skilled in decimals, percentages, and operations with fractions.

Registering for the Class

Registration is now open!  Click here.


At the time of online registration, a $50 deposit is due. The remaining $550 may be paid in full or split into two payments made at the beginning of each semester. Complete one of the two forms below and return to tuition@providencecatholic.org.


Transportation back to school after class may be available at no additional cost. A route will be determined based on the class enrollment from various schools. More information will be available at the time of enrollment.


Students are required to have a Texas Instruments calculator, specifically the TI-Nspire CX II.  Please do not purchase the TI-Nspire CAS model.

Summer Prep Book

We recommend that students who are accepted into the class use the summer months to review important concepts and skills.  For your convenience, we have provided a short preparation booklet here:  Summer Preparation Booklet.

If you have any questions about the preparation book, please email Mrs. Gregory.

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