Online Bookstore Information

Book Purchase & Rental for 2024-25 School Year

Important Dates

  • June 24:  Student credentials needed to purchase books will be emailed to each student’s primary parent.
  • July 1: Our eCampus bookstore opens online.  See instructions for purchasing below.
  • July 14: Last day for free standard shipping.
  • July 22:  Deadline to order to ensure books arrive before classes begin.

Guides & FAQs 

Before ordering books, please read these instructions!  You will find answers to your questions in these guides.


Contact eCampus at or 844-523-8980.

Rental Returns & Selling Books Back

All families are responsible to return rental books to eCampus using a pre-paid shipping label.

Rental Returns

If you chose the rental bundle, then you must return the rented textbooks to eCampus by June 1.  After that, late fees will be charged.

Important! Please do not return your state textbooks or any other PCHS-loaned book to eCampus.

Directions for returning rental books.

Parents:   To login to the virtual bookstore, use your student’s email and password.  You can ask your student for this info or find it in the e-locker of your ParentPlus account.

Sell your Books

If you purchased your textbooks (from any vendor), you are welcome to sell them back to the company. Prices will be determined by eCampus.

Book Buy-Back is open from May 22 to June 22.

Directions for book buy-back.

Buy-Back FAQ’s


Contact eCampus directly at or 844-523-8980.

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