Each student must earn at least 22 credits to meet the academic requirement for graduation. Therefore, each year a student must take and pass courses worth at least 5 ½ credits. If a student earns less than 5 ½ credits because of semester failures, these deficiencies must be made up in summer school to remain eligible to return to Providence Catholic for the next school year.
Each student must take and receive a passing grade in the following courses:
- 4 years of Theology
- 4 years of English
- 3 years of Math
- 3 years of Laboratory Science
- 3 years of Social Science (U.S. History & Western Civilization)
- 1 year of Physical Education
- ½ year of Health
- ½ year of Economics
- ½ year of Intro to Technology
- 2 years World Language, consecutive
The Principal or Assistant Principal may substitute designated courses from the Technology or Fine Arts Departments for the two-year World Language requirement when needed.
The remaining credits are electives to equal at least 5½ credits per year or 22 credits over a four year program of study.
Other requirements:
- Each student is required to take at least ½ credit of Theology per semester.
- A student may not have more than one study period per semester.
- Each student is required to pass an examination on the United States and Illinois Constitutions.
- Each senior must complete an approved retreat.
- Each student must annually meet the minimum number of service hours and completion of a reflection paper as outlined in the A.C.T.S. service program.
- Each junior must take the ACT test in April or June of his/her junior year.
- Each student, in order to participate in commencement exercises and/or receive a diploma, must satisfy penalties imposed for poor conduct, financial obligations, and attend all baccalaureate and graduation practices and/or services.