
Academic Eligibility

In addition to identifying those students who are ineligible to participate in extra-curricular activities, the eligibility report helps teachers, coaches, and moderators identify those students who are in need of academic assistance, so that tutoring, guidance, and academic counseling can be provided.  Although teachers are required to list all students with failing grades, they are encouraged to include students with “D” averages so that teachers, coaches, and moderators can provide intervention before a student becomes ineligible.

Eligibility Policies:

  • The eligibility regulation pertains to all students involved in any extra-curricular activity including athletics, clubs, and organizations.
  • Eligibility is only cumulative over the course of a single quarter.  All students begin each quarter being eligible to participate.
  • Teachers may not post a student as ineligible unless they have a minimum of 3 grades which, when averaged together, equal an overall score of 70% or below.
  • Students must show a passing grade in every subject on the day the eligibility list is due in order to be eligible to participate in any extracurricular activity.
  • All teachers must submit an eligibility report as scheduled.
  • Students receiving failing grades will be ineligible from MONDAY through SUNDAY. Students will not be removed from the ineligible list mid-week, even if they make up assignments.
  • Questions regarding eligibility should be directed to the Principal.
  • Freshman through Senior student-athletes who receive two or more failures during an eligibility week are required to attend the Tutoring Center at least four days during that week.  This requirement can be satisfied by the student reporting to the Tutoring Center either before school, after school, or a combination of the two during the week of ineligibility.  Students fulfilling this requirement in zero hour may report to their team/club practices immediately after school.  Students fulfilling this requirement after school will report to practice after 3:30 p.m.  The Tutoring Center is opened Zero Hour 7:05-7:50 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday only.  The Tutoring Center is opened after school from 2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
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