Marketing Request Form

Communications and Marketing Request

In order to better assist you with your communications or marketing needs, we ask that you fill out a request form. Once your form is submitted, you will be contacted by Kathleen E. Kennedy, Director of Communications. The Communications & Marketing Request Form should be submitted for any and all requests including, but not limited to, design collateral, production, event promotion, website updates, save the dates, etc.

Please allow 2-3 business days for all web related requests to be fulfilled.  For all other requests, we ask at least 2 weeks lead time or the marketing department will provide a timeline upon receiving a request form and the deadline date that was given. If your project needs to be printed by a third party vendor, then we will need a longer lead time.

Please include any photos you would like included for the project.

You will be contacted if your request cannot be fulfilled.

Please make a note on your form if you are sending any additional attachments and submit all attachments to 

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